These are his January picks along with their prices as he was recording his video. You’ll want to avoid anything that pumped too hard as there’s a high risk of a major pullback once the hype dies down.
Ellio Trades Crypto YouTube channel has been on an absolute tear this bull season, with his subscriber count exploding from 100k to 175k in a few short months.
He has a very good track record calling out some incredible gainers during this time. Listed above are his January picks published in his “10 COINS TO $10 MILLION! Top coins to GET RICH in January” video published today.
Generally you’ll want to be in his picks within the first couple of hours as they pump very hard, however there have been plenty that have continued to pump for days and even weeks.
REMEMBER these are HIGHLY speculative plays, so don’t risk more than you can afford to lose, no matter how tempting it is.
As the 2021 crypto bull run heats up, it’s time to revisit out toolkit, that will help us keep tabs on the going-ons in crypto so that we’re always the first to join the party, eat that cake and then leave before anyone notices it.
This will be an evolving list and new tools will be added as we find them, so be sure to bookmark this article and come back periodically. – cryptocurrency derivatives data analytics (funding rates, liquidations, longs v shorts, etc) – crypto market insights and analytics
Bitcoin is back to making daily headlines on mainstream media channels and given today’s price action, there is little doubt what the BIG topic of conversation was around the Christmas table just a few short days ago. Yes dear readers, the retail traders are well and truly back in crypto land.
Here at Block Throne we are delighted to see our retail friends back in action, because they are just in time for some amazing opportunities for those brave enough to leave the cozy and (relatively) safe confines of the centralised exchanges and venture out into the wild, wild world of 2020’s crypto breakout feature, DeFi.
For those new to crypto, here’s what you’ve missed in the last few months:
During the summer of 2020, a certain thing called DeFi or decentralised finance really took off in a major way. The cornerstone of this mania was a brand new type of exchange, where anyone could list any ERC-20 (Ethereum) token as long as they provided some initial liquidity (i.e. both sides of the trading pair in equal quantities, like 50% ETH and 50% USDC for example). This exchange was called Uniswap. Remember this name as it will be important going forward.
Hey everybody, how are you all feeling on this crazy day in crypto?
Wow, what a week this has been! Only a few days ago we saw the biggest launch since the 2017-18 ICO mania, with The Graph (GRT) launching on Binance and Coinbase simultaneously and doing a 4x in just a few short days despite the massive 165 million market cap at launch. INCREDIBLE!
At the same time we saw a bunch of small caps like Parsiq (PRQ), Maha DAO (MAHA), Alliance block (ALBT), and a few others pull their own 2,3,4x pumps.
Within the last few weeks we also saw some mid-caps like Elrond (EGLD) and SwissBorg (CHSB) make very impressive gains.
And to top it all off Elon Musk himself contributed to the hype by tweeting one of the best crypto memes of 2020.
Undoubtedly this was brought on by Bitcoin breaking its all time high of 20k on 16. December 2020 and continuing to pump all the way to 24k.
Not surprisingly, we are currently seeing some profit taking goin on, with red numbers more or less across the board on CoinGecko. Hopefully it’s just a short term correction and we will be back making new all time highs sooner rather than later.
If history is anything to go by, 2021 is looking to be a very hot year for crypto with life-changing, face-melting gains on offer for those brave enough to get involved.
On the other hand, with the crazy turmoil goin on in the world right now and the pump seen in the stock market during 2020, we could also see a bigger correction back to more reasonable levels.
As always, we are faced with big risks and big rewards in crypto. Either way, congratulations are definitely in order for everyone who stuck with crypto through this brutal 3 year bear market. Your just rewards lay ahead, so be sure to trade safe, practice proper risk management and don’t get rekt!
Suppoman is back with another shill, this time promoting passive income of $1,000 per month plus. What an amazing clickbait title BTW.
To save you listening to him babble on for nearly 40 minutes, piercing your eardrums multiple times in the process, here’s what you actually need to know.
His projections assume two things. First is an investment of $10,000 and second, which is fairly out there to say the least, is that the prices of tokens earned from staking these cryptos will increase 20x in the future (not impossible though, just highly unlikely).
So, with that mega assumption out of the way, here are his picks & projected incomes:
1. Fusion (buy 10205 tokens to earn $90 per month currently and potentially $1,800 in the future)
2. Ontology (buy 4245 tokens to earn $57 per month currently and potentially $1,136 in the future)
3. Wechain (buy 737840 tokens to earn $38per month currently and potentially $769 in the future)
4. Cardano (buy 103092 tokens to earn $29per month currently and potentially $574 in the future)
5. Neo (buy 545 tokens to earn $23per month currently and potentially $472 in the future)
So, if you have $10k US greenbacks burning a hole in your pocket, here’s a super risky way to ensure yourself a life of luxury at some stage in the future.
Suppoman effect on price – see that huge spike just before 21st Aug? He’s still got it!
Also be sure to check out the comments on his video on YouTube for more ideas of great paying coins such as Neblio, Populous, OmiseGo, Pundi X etc.
Alright, that’s it already guys. If you enjoyed this edition be sure to smash up the likes over at our Facebook page, and we’ll see you all again very soon in the next installment of the Shill Report.
There are lots of very good resources available out there, and this post will attempt to list them all in one convenient location. Be sure to check back regularly, as this list will keep getting bigger. Alright, enough with the chit chat already, let’s do this:
In this episode we feature one of the biggest crypto shillers of all time, Suppoman himself.
If you’re annoyed by his loud voice, terrible singing, pathological narcissism and silly antics, fret no more. You can now skip watching his life-sucking videos and just pay us a visit for the few bits of actually useful information that he provides.
The reason we feature him is because in spite of his clear self interest and course shilling, he has a very large and loyal following that eats up his every word. If he shills a small enough project they have the ability to pump it up for a few days, so why not go along for the ride, and take their money. Just don’t get carried away and forget to exit before it all comes crashing down.
He is also well informed when it comes to new up-and-coming projects, so it’s worth looking into them a bit more closely, to see if there’s perhaps some more substance behind them than usually, for a more medium to long term investment.
In crypto, it’s all about getting in on the action as early as possible, even if it means having to listen to Suppoman’s annoying screaming to get some early tips. In order to limit the hearing damage to the crypto community, we are willing to sacrifice our own for the benefit of you lot, so you better send us some love over on Facebook.
Anyway, enough babbling, let’s get into it. Here’s what Mr Suppo was shilling in his video entitled 5 Cryptos DESTINED for the Top 10, published on 17/07/2018.
He actually used a new, more hearing friendly format for this video thank god, so feel free to watch it if you want to lose 15 minutes of your life that you will never get back.
On the other hand, if you value your precious time, this is what what he was shilling:
– Ethos #4
– Nano #3
– VeChain #2
– Ontology #1
– BONUS: Revealed in Udemy course (#Facepalm – Yes, he’s back at it, shilling his Udemy courses. But no need to waste your heard earned money. Based on what he said, we are 99.9% sure it’s Hashgraph.)
OK that’s it for this edition of saving your precious time. If you enjoyed this piece, be sure to show us some love and hit that like button over at our Facebook page and we’ll see you all very soon in the next installment of Shill Report.
Welcome to our very first “Shill report”, where we take a look at what’s being promoted by influencers and industry giants from the crypto land.
A very popular program on CNBC Afria is Crypto Trader hosted by Ran Neu-Ner. They get exclusive access to crypto’s top experts and we highly recommend you subscribe to their YouTube channel.
The show is quite long though and you may want to keep a pen and paper handy to keep notes for further research. Lucky for you, we’ve already done that and are sharing every last juicy bit of them below for free.
This was a really good episode full of potential crypto unicorns, so well worth your time if you’re searching for the next Bitcoin or Ethereum.
The text is not perfect, and we take no responsibility for any errors or omissions, so make of it what you will, and don’t forget to do your own research.
CNBC CryptoTrader: Do the big Crypto fund managers believe this bounce? Published 16/07/2018